Wednesday, April 28, 2010

My Final Blog

Wow, what an adventure! After tripping on the wonderful drug of Emergent Lit for the past few months, I find myself in a whole new dimension. Well not really. I'm still here. Wherever that is. But, I do feel like this class has changed me as a person. I look at everything with a new perspective. Music, Movies, Literature, Relationships, and everything in Life can be tied into this class. I'm able to find or create new meanings within various things that I encounter. I would like to thank everyone in the class for your wonderful blogging. I regret not being able to blog more than I did. After acquiring this new trait perhaps I'll keep blogging in the future. I gotta give props to my pusher man, Professor Sexson. Thank you for your great selection of material that was presented in this class. T.S. Eliot's Four Quartets has become my favorite poetry. I have become interested in Samuel Beckett as well as Salman Rushdie. Rio, you did an awesome job as the media coordinator for this class. I thought that what you did was very helpful in creating a fun and different learning experience. This type of teaching should be encouraged throughout more classes on campus. This EL 436 drug is better than anything I've tried; the high never subsides and it will last a lifetime. I'll recommend it to anyone looking.

Monday, April 26, 2010

The Informant!

This movie, directed by Steven Soderberg, was released in 2009 and stars Matt Damon. I liked the movie more than my roommate due to the influence of this class. The story told has a direct correlation to the theme of life as literature and language. Marc Whitacre is a newly appointed Vice President of a gigantic agricultural manufacturer of lysine. The opening scene has Marc walking back to his office; an inner monologue goes on as he crosses in front of an employee. He thinks, what does this guy make in a year? I don't know maybe 100K. I don't even know what he does. He is just going to sit there behind his desk wasting his life away. Marc Whitacre does not want to be that man. He starts discussions with the FBI where he tells them that his company has been price-fixing, as well as a plan to monopolize the whole industry. He tells them about there plans and relates it to a Micheal Criteon novel in which the same thing happens. They recruit him to be a somewhat spy and look into the companies doings. Marc agrees, he doesn't want to live his life out behind a desk, so he creates this exciting enticing story. The FBI finds out that Marc was lying about most of his story; and that he was embezzling the company for several millions of dollars. Marc believed that once the upper management was dissolved by the FBI that he would be the only one left and the only one capable of running the entire company. Too bad for Marc, he ends up serving time in prison. I thought that this was a good movie and the inner monologue of Marc running throughout is pretty funny. Matt Damon does a great job in portraying a real person bored with their life and deciding to create a more interesting life based on the language and fiction that they have encountered.

My List

I wanted to list out the contents of my refrigerator; however, it is filled with a lot of food and I'm not patient enough to look and record every single item. So, my list will consist of the materials found in my wallet.

Debit Card
Naked Noodle Punch Card- great pasta
Driver's License - terrible pic of me, don't ask to see it
Hastings Rental Card - don't need; Netflix
Blockbuster Rental Card - " " "
Bozeman Public Defender Business Card (Whoops)
Cold Smoke Punch Card - Hookah supplies
CVS Pharmacy Care Card - I'm accident prone
Foust Law Office Business Card - Loooong Story
Two Citations from City of Bozeman
24 Dollars in Cash
Hunter Education Completion card
Health Insurance Card
Voter Confirmation Card
Conservation License and Fishing license
Montana Motorcycle Rider Safety Card
Picture of my family when it was a family
Picture of cousins
Picture of grandmother
Picture of girl that didn't wanna go to prom with me
Picture of grandparents